About Rubicon’s Legacy Society
An Investment in the Future
Rubicon Theatre Company has established the Legacy Society for friends who would like to make gifts to RTC through trusts, estates or other planned giving vehicles. These gifts enable us to continue to provide the highest-quality theater and youth education programs in the years to come.
RTC welcomes a variety of planned-giving options (a few of the more common gift structures are listed below). We are equipped to work with your tax or financial advisor or provide professional, confidential advice if you are considering making a planned gift.

Common Ways to Make a Planned Gift
- Bequests – designate a gift to RTC in your will
- Outright gifts of appreciated property (securities or real estate)
- Charitable Remainder Trusts
- Charitable Lead Trusts
- Retirement Assets
- Life Insurance Policies
Start the Conversation
We invite you to contact our Development team to explore how your planned gift can have an impact on the theatre and the cultural life of our community, as well as supporting your personal objectives such as tax benefits and estate planning.
For more information contact
Karyl Lynn Burns
(805) 667-2912 x 224
As You Plan
If you are visiting your financial planning professionals and would like to include Rubicon in your documents, please note the following:
Legal Name: Burnon, Inc. dba. Rubicon Theatre Company
Federal Tax ID: #77-0495901
Address: 1006 E. Main Street
Ventura, CA 93001
Phone Number: 805.667.2912 ext 280
Naming Opportunities
Donors have the option of creating a meaningful legacy through a gift in their name or in the name of a loved one. Please ask us how you can support RTC in perpetuity through a planned or endowment gift naming opportunity.
In Thanks
Rubicon is honored to be remembered by our supporters in wills and trusts and we realize that this places the theatre within a special circle of your family, friends and loved ones. In return, we want to welcome you whole-heartedly into the Rubicon family as a Rubicon Theatre Company Legacy Society Member.
Please inform Rubicon of your decision to establish a planned gift so we can honor you with recognition in theatre publications and with invitations to Legacy Society Member-only events.